Nigara Hamono Aogami Super Migaki Tsuchime Bunka Plat 180mm Tagayasan
Please note
Each handle is unique and may feature distinct variations, such as different shades or colors in the buffalo horn, which is part of its authentic, handcrafted character.
Store availability
*Transfer available between stores, contact us at info@staysharpmtl.com or 514-503-1185 (MTL) / 418- 440-7770 (QC)
The Bunka is a general-purpose knife with a straighter edge profile than a santoku, which makes the rocking motion more difficult to perform. However, this knife is perfect for use with the push-cut or pull-cut method. The fine tip of the Bunka will give you precision and agility as it will pass through the food more easily when cutting.
Du haut de ses 35 ans et artisan créatif, Go Yoshizawa fait rayonner l’entreprise familiale. Il est le chef de la forge de Nigara, l’une des forges les plus reconnues au Japon et mondialement, et célèbre pour le travail du damascus. Yoshizawa-san s’appuie sur des bases solides du travail de l’acier qu’il a développées au fil des années afin de découvrir et d’explorer de nouveaux procédés. La forge de Nigara et ses artisans-forgerons continuent de nous épater en nous offrant des couteaux aussi beaux que performants.
Aogami literally translates as: "blue steel" and therefore "Blue Super Steel" for Aogami Super. Manufactured by Hitachi Metals Ltd, this carbon steel grade has one of the highest hardness levels and is one of the most renowned in Japan. In addition to containing more carbon, chromium and tungsten than Aogami #1, it also contains molybdenum. The high carbon content results in higher hardness, but in return, it reduces the corrosion resistance and makes the steel more brittle. Chromium and molybdenum counterbalance the effect of the high carbon content by improving corrosion resistance. While tungsten greatly increases the wear resistance of the steel to make it less brittle. This makes it, objectively, a superior carbon steel on a practical level than other steels in this category.
Tips for best results
Make sure your knife will deliver its absolute best by having it professionally sharpened at least once a year. Please note that our meticulously handcrafted Japanese knives are – unless otherwise noted – carbon steel and not stainless steel. To prevent rust, make sure the blades are patted dry – especially when cutting acidic items. Never cut frozen foods, hard products, bone, or twist the blade when using. Never soak in water after use or put in the dishwasher. After use, store in a cool, dry place and avoid high temperature fluctuations.
Our commitment to you – our customers
Every knife we carry has a lifetime warranty from manufacturing defects and errors. For example, if the handle becomes detached or cracks appear after a few weeks of proper use. Or if there are any blade cracks from the edge to the spine. While such defects are indeed rare, they can occur. In such cases, we will exchange the knife in question or give you a refund. Each warranty case is different depending on the criteria, and we reserve the right in each and every case to evaluate the applicability of our lifetime warranty in the event of any manufacturing defects and errors.
After-Sales service
Do you get the feeling that your knife just can’t “cut it”?
Each knife we carry is supplied with a so-called “factory edge”. Our chef knife range comprises more than 200 different products. While all our handcrafted Japanese knives ship with a “factory edge”, ultimate blade sharpness can vary. If you feel that your knife’s blade edge is not performing to its full potential, feel free to contact us and we will provide you with professional sharpening for free!
Oops! What about the truly Unthinkable?
Was it just through a slight slip of the hand that your knife accidentally fell on the floor and damaged its tip and blade, or it was used to cut a hard, frozen product and chipped? Don’t despair, get in touch with us and we will solve the problem through our in-house, professional sharpening and repair service.
Simply contact us or visit our store to get a free estimate.