La Presse
What is it about Japanese knives that makes them so exceptional?
Many people overlook one crucial element: good knives. The team of seasoned cooks at Montreal's Stay Sharp agree: Japanese knives are second to none. (...)
Cult MTL
Mastering the Craft: A Guide to the Best Japanese Knives Presented by StaySharpMTL
In this exploration, we delve into the world of Japanese knives, shedding light on their distinct characteristics and uncovering the qualities that define the best among them.
Journal de Montréal
Here is the reference in Japanese knives in Quebec
Japanese knives have now carved out a place of choice in Quebec kitchens. A sign of their enthusiasm, Stay Sharp , a boutique specializing in Japanese knives, is opening a new address in the Capitale-Nationale. (...)
Salut Bonjour
Incursion into the world of Japanese knives with Vincent Dessureault.
Vincent Dessureault visited StaySharp Mtl as part of a column for the show Salut Bonjour. Good viewing!
La presse
The Japanese knives that awaken the chef in us
After having tasted the action of the kitchens for a while, the desire to slow down and spend more time with the family was felt for Olivier Caza Berthelet. This is how Stay Sharp was born. The new mission of the gastronomy enthusiast (...)
The Gazette
High-quality, long-lasting knives are the heart of StaySharp's business
After over ten years as a chef in the restaurant businesses, Olivier Caza Berthelet had developed a keen appreciation for his knives and the impact they can have on the quality of any meal. But then life served him up something new: a daughter. (...)
Cinq fourchettes
Let's talk about my new love… my Japanese knife
Recently, I had the great (very great) privilege of being able to test a Japanese knife. I had cherished the dream of having one for years. I have always wondered if my fantasy of having a super efficient knife was overrated. (...)
Le cuisinomane
The world of Japanese blades with Olivier from Stay Sharp
Olivier, founder of the start-up Stay Sharp, specializing in Japanese blades, knew from childhood that he was going to work in the restaurant world. (...
Curieux Bégin
Official supplier
Official supplier of knives and cutting boards for the show Curieux Bégin.
Station Potluck
The world of Japanese blades with Olivier from Stay Sharp
In this episode, we explore the culinary DNA of host Julie Bélanger. Stefano, Émilie and Hugo talk with her about foie gras, wine and we demystify the Michelin stars. (...)